Wednesday, August 22, 2007

a silly post

okay i think i'm going to switch to wordpress. like seriously wtf... the templates there are like sooooooo bloody gorgeous. to think i'm stuck with plain blogger templates all these while. okay there have been efforts to revamp me lil ol' blog but all those bloody codes messes up my bloody brains. okay sry i'm a little uncouth now because i'm still reeling from the shock of those beautiful beautiful wordpress templates. seriously they are so beautiful. okay blogger i'm sorry i'm using ur space to advertise ur rival's greatness but really everyone should use wordpress. sure, wordpress doesn't sound so cool as blogger but omg omg the templates are so just so gorgeous! i've been DREAMING about such beautiful templates but lacking the money to hire someone to do it for me or lacking the time to do one myself (actually i'm just lazy but anyways..) i just used the plain blogger ones. i've went to a few blogging places ike life journal, xanga etc but none reli satisfy me. but wordpress... omg...!!! it's so pretty!!!

anyways i want to announce that i had a relapse today. i have been minesweeper free for a few months but today i became addicted again and played for 3 hours straight. i need to see a shrink. bluek. +_+ hahaha cant help it. it's so much fun weee~

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