Sunday, July 29, 2007

my past life...! O_o

i do believe in reincarnations and occasionally i do wonder what i was in my past life... i'd like to think i used to be a really pretty and rich princess of a far away land (with a collection of 1534 pairs of shoes and 2674 bags and 3 puppies and 10 ponies) BUT that could not be further away from the truth... because... i am actually an arrogant court jester!!!
*ouch!* the truth hurts...

In a Past Life...
You Were: An Arrogant Jester.
Where You Lived: Thailand.
How You Died: Hung for treason.

i was at voon's blog and i came across this cute thing ^^ go try it out for urself... ^^

p.s. just a random thought... anyone think of what they wanna be in the next-life? i think i wanna be reborn as a pink pony or a pink unicorn... erm but they dun reli exist, do they? maybe the scientists will create one by that time...


voon said...

omg u still keeping ur shoessss n baaagggs? don't care bout the stupid test la it's juz a random thingy, u'll get different past lives by refreshin the page, but all the results r quite funny ones=p

b_lynn89 said...

huh? refresh edi get diff results meh? lol i din noe hahahah okay i will go try somemore haha >.<